lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
For once.
Here's the deal. I don't care if you like him or not, what matteres is that I do.
He doesn't have to be nice to you but he tries nonetheless.
He makes me feel the best I've ever had without even having to try.
You know I don't like romantic comedies, or even romantic movies but for once in my life I understand what they are about. I think what they do and say is the cornyest thing ever but now I get why they do it. It's not because they found the perfect guy or girl; no, its because they knew they can only borrow that person for so long. So every moment in their life's count. They get to say and do the foolest things ever because time is running out and it's not gonna slow down for anything in the world.
So, if what you are telling me is that I need to choose between staying here or being with him then the choice could not be easier. I am going to savoir ever second of every minute of every hour I have with him.
For once I wish you could understand how I feel.
sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010
Ravashing Solace.

It was impeccable to be told such thing
Its charm and innocence coveted the way
Oh! The bashful essence would try to transcend the sight
Hide your solace from the pain dear child
My, oh, my! Pray it won’t be too late now
Emerge from the devastated ground and take a look around
How fragile our sanctuary is; how ravishing the insanity has become
Pray and sleep little thing
Sleep and pray for it to pass
I’ll hold your dreams and kiss goodbye
For I shall sail into the night
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
“Primeras Impresiones”
Entremos pues al baile
Llevemos los vestidos de frialdad
Llevemos el peinado que nos haga destacar
Usemos las joyas del orgullo
Bailemos el Vals del prejuicio
Pasando esto llegan las miradas de superioridad
Platicas de compromiso
Sonrisas disfrazadas con tatuado desden
Más me encuentro aparentando ante la alta sociedad
Engañándome al creer que es honesto su interés
Su altivez me ofende
¡Tu! déspota arrogante
Que ante mi aparente inferioridad
Decides menospreciarme e humillarme
Y propagas injurias con todas tus compañías
Con una palabra condenaste mi destino
Ahora noto que la inteligencia en mi género no es permitida
Dócil y rica debo ser, callada y obediente a tu placer
Recordando esto termina la velada
Sabiendo que para su apreciación obtener debo mis pensamientos enmudecer.
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
"Why do you use a nickname instead of your name at the end of your writtings?"
And my answer is:
"I want my writtings (books, poems, short stories) to be famous and known.......not me"
.- Pamela DiMarco.
When there's no way out into the light
You must force yourself to go further
walk-through the darkness,
You will be scared, confused, and trip over a few times,
Everything will seem to be lost...
Then, just then, will you see it
Then, just then, will you hear it
Then, just then, will you feel it
Then it will be there, as clear as the morning dew.
Get up, walk, march to your unknown future,
rescue the piece of yourself that was lost in the chaos and...
(To you Mrs. Scott! (Lore)
Thank you for all your suppourt)
By: Pamela DiMarco
sábado, 23 de enero de 2010
Frozen in our hearts
The unwilling smile covering the anger on your lips
It had brought the presence of worry to camp at my side
Making an inference on why you have to get up and fight
With sadness I must say, it is right to say the least
Singing now, with all the sea's winds
They’ve forced me to see, instead of watch
I come back once more to see your essence disappear.
Why can't you return to your previews state?
Tell me the stories I long to hear
Say the words I've waited for one thousand years.
You stop nearby; a glimpse of awareness has arrived
The candlelight serves as our guide
I won't say a word, for I have come to know, how useless they have become
I can't believe what has come to my sight
We have grown together, united at last.
As our only witness we have our lives
This will be forgotten in time, but frozen in our hearts.
(Dedicated to my great friend Karime!
Thank you for everything)
By: Pamela DiMarco
martes, 12 de enero de 2010
My confession
Ok so I took the inspiration from a song called "My confession" the parts that are highlighted are the lyrics of the song. It's also written from a guy's point of view. Anywho. Hope you all like it!
I saw her walk down the hall, her perfect brown wavy hair brushing against her skin while she walked, her cheerful smile spread on her lips, inviting you to smile as well, and that’s what I did, her hazel eyes scanning the area; when they landed on me she smiled and walked towards me. My heart began to race inside my chest, everything I always hoped for was a word from her, and she was without a doubt my secret muse.
Everything I do is for her, she is my friend, but secretly she is the girl I love and adore, even when I knew nothing can be done for me to be with her. I am hopelessly in love with her. I greeted her, kissing her cheek lightly. She smiled back at me and kisses me back. Chills rushed down my spine with that quick touch.
And then I saw her walk away, she waves her hand and turned around, I watched the girl of my dreams slip away from me, like every day, even when I’m ALWAYS LOOKING FOR WAYS TO HANG AROUND it never seems to work for me. So I just let her go away, but right now, today, I need to do something more than just stay here.
Today it would all change, as the ring bells for us to leave the school my heart was steady and my breathing was regular, I had prepared myself for this moment. I head out of the school. I know you’ll be at your house; I know I would go there and make my feelings known. As I head over to your house, while walking down the familiar streets I come to realize I might not be ready, but I got to speak or lose you now.
A wave of feelings come rushing through my body, making me slow down my pace for a few moments, memories came to haunt my mind, happy days of the last summer, sad days that came along with the fall and nice days brought by the winter plus amused nights at the cheerful spring and now, summer once more, my heart telling me now is the time to speak.
I reached the street of your house, it all seemed to be the same, nothing had changed, except what I was feeling inside, my thoughts were racing, mixing, I was decided to go through this but at the same time I was so scared of what might happen next.
I could only thing you would take it in the right way, and won’t get so freaked out that you would want me to go away forever and end our great friendship in a very sad way. And as all this happened inside my mind I reached your door. Knocking 3 times then waited for someone to open the door.
You mother opened, I asked for you, she called you and then began to speak to me for a few minutes while you made your way downstairs. I was paying attention and at theh same time wasn’t; it was so hard to concentrate in this situation, I’m sure you would’ve understood if you knew the battle inside of me.
When you finally appeared I smiled, you walked outside and then we began to walk, while talking, alright this is my confession then I said it, I tould you all you need to know about how I feel, I bare my soul to you. You froze and looked at me, shocked, I began to tell you everything, how he’ll never say the words that I’ve rehearsed a million times, or stop your tears before they fall; I was trying to make you see how much you truly mean to me. I wanted nothing more than you to understand that this is the one thing I can do.
You began to answer to my feelings, letting me know that’s not what you feel for me, that to you I am just your very best friend, but that nothing else can occur between you and me. And I don’t know why but I have always believed somehow Id be standing right here before you now.
I smiled at you, letting you know it was alright, but slowly I began to back away, not noticing I was getting out of the sidewalk. Then a loud noise, and there I ended, laying on my back, looking up at the sky, then you appeared here as well, tears running down your face. I heard noises around me, someone yelling to someone to call for help.
You wrapped your arms around me, setting my head on your chest, and I was just hoping the last breath I take, I take in your arms.
By: Pamela DiMarco