viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Come on...the show must go on.!

On the outside I wait, for this moment to end
My emotions go through what seems to be my youth
Burning down to my core, showing of my alarm
Causing people to stare, to point and to weep

My road has to end, my muse most doze
Your desire most impede, our lust needs to end.
While she sobs and shed tears, while he embrace her in her dream
My darlings my darlings I most flee.

For this time to consume
For your agony to fulfill,
I most depart my dearest I most leave

When you look towards the sky
When the moonlight sheds her guide
I’ll be gone

By: Pamela DiMarco

1 comentario:

  1. mrs. scott!!
    me encantooo! mi frase favorita fue al de
    when the moonlight sheds her guide:D

    yeeii felicidades, escribes super!
