sábado, 23 de junio de 2012
Hola!, eh estado jugando un poco con hacer graficos, asi que, aqui hay unas de las cosas que eh hecho.
jueves, 21 de julio de 2011
Not much for this soul to go on
Horrid moments taunt my senses
Old friends made in bizarre places.
Hoist up the colorful flag
Don't let anyone out of your sight
Tthe missleading bastards shall once again fight
Fight for the right to bring out the dark.
Twisted desired coveted his mind
Reckless movements shadowing his might
A cascade of stories revolving a tale
A tale of a place that shall no longer be there.
lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
For once.
Here's the deal. I don't care if you like him or not, what matteres is that I do.
He doesn't have to be nice to you but he tries nonetheless.
He makes me feel the best I've ever had without even having to try.
You know I don't like romantic comedies, or even romantic movies but for once in my life I understand what they are about. I think what they do and say is the cornyest thing ever but now I get why they do it. It's not because they found the perfect guy or girl; no, its because they knew they can only borrow that person for so long. So every moment in their life's count. They get to say and do the foolest things ever because time is running out and it's not gonna slow down for anything in the world.
So, if what you are telling me is that I need to choose between staying here or being with him then the choice could not be easier. I am going to savoir ever second of every minute of every hour I have with him.
For once I wish you could understand how I feel.
sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010
Ravashing Solace.

It was impeccable to be told such thing
Its charm and innocence coveted the way
Oh! The bashful essence would try to transcend the sight
Hide your solace from the pain dear child
My, oh, my! Pray it won’t be too late now
Emerge from the devastated ground and take a look around
How fragile our sanctuary is; how ravishing the insanity has become
Pray and sleep little thing
Sleep and pray for it to pass
I’ll hold your dreams and kiss goodbye
For I shall sail into the night
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
“Primeras Impresiones”
Entremos pues al baile
Llevemos los vestidos de frialdad
Llevemos el peinado que nos haga destacar
Usemos las joyas del orgullo
Bailemos el Vals del prejuicio
Pasando esto llegan las miradas de superioridad
Platicas de compromiso
Sonrisas disfrazadas con tatuado desden
Más me encuentro aparentando ante la alta sociedad
Engañándome al creer que es honesto su interés
Su altivez me ofende
¡Tu! déspota arrogante
Que ante mi aparente inferioridad
Decides menospreciarme e humillarme
Y propagas injurias con todas tus compañías
Con una palabra condenaste mi destino
Ahora noto que la inteligencia en mi género no es permitida
Dócil y rica debo ser, callada y obediente a tu placer
Recordando esto termina la velada
Sabiendo que para su apreciación obtener debo mis pensamientos enmudecer.
martes, 9 de febrero de 2010
"Why do you use a nickname instead of your name at the end of your writtings?"
And my answer is:
"I want my writtings (books, poems, short stories) to be famous and known.......not me"
.- Pamela DiMarco.
When there's no way out into the light
You must force yourself to go further
walk-through the darkness,
You will be scared, confused, and trip over a few times,
Everything will seem to be lost...
Then, just then, will you see it
Then, just then, will you hear it
Then, just then, will you feel it
Then it will be there, as clear as the morning dew.
Get up, walk, march to your unknown future,
rescue the piece of yourself that was lost in the chaos and...
(To you Mrs. Scott! (Lore)
Thank you for all your suppourt)
By: Pamela DiMarco